Method 1: Select configure from Project Selection screen

  1. Open Android Studio
  2. In the bottom right corner, there is a link that says configure Project Select box
  3. Once in the configure menu, select AVD Manager AVD Manager

Method 2: Tools -> AVD Manager

  1. Open Android Studio
  2. Open or create a project
  3. In the menu bar, select Tools -> AVD Manager

Bonus - Method 3: Select a device when no device is represent

If you are in a project and have no physical devices connected and no virtual devices created.

  1. In the top bar, right below the menu bar, you’ll see a dropdown that says No devices Actions Bar
  2. Select the No Devices dropdown and Select AVD Manager AVD Manager

Creating an AVD

AVD Manager

If you’ve made it this far, great, you’re only a couple more clicks away from having a debuggable testing device.

  1. Select Create Virtual Device
  2. Any device will work on this screen, but if you have plans to include Google Play Services in your app, I suggest you select a device with Google Play Services installed. You’ll see an icon under Play Store if this is the case. Select Next
  3. Download/Select the most recent System Image or the one most applicable to your Project. Select Next
  4. Select Finish on the next screen.
  5. You have an AVD! Now just select the play button all the way to the right and you’re ready to go!
